Ode to Kindred Spirits

I know I've said this a million times before, but this adventurous ever-changing, ever-moving life lacks it's luster when I think of how badly I miss my friends and family back home and how my visits to see them become fewer and further away or even non-existant. I count myself truly blessed for the friends and family I have and not a day goes by when they're not close to my heart and mind. I love, love, love how technology has kept us close, being able to talk to each other face-to-face, see photos/videos, send notes and feel like we haven't missed those important moments that tear at my soul when I think of not being there. A very dear friend of mine recently posted the most beautiful and true words I've read in a while. Read them here. I love her heart. She is the most generous and loving person I've ever met. I girlishly think of Anne (yes, from Anne of Green Gables) and her bosom friend, Diana Barry. She showed up in my life when I was desperate for a friend, any friend, and I believe God brought her to me at just the right moment in His perfect timing. I cherish memories of all my friends from far away, I love making new friends too, but there is nothing like the words from a kindred spirit to make me feel like I'm home again.


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