Spring has Sprung!

Alright, so I realize it's mid-May already, but signs of spring are a rare occurrence here in Alberta. Just when the geese return and buds begin to show their heads, we get another blizzard. This Mother-Nature tease happens from March through May (sometimes through June/July too) and can be really frustrating at times. Here is proof that spring has sprung, tulips! Through snow and ice, my tulips do not die. I don't really know how they do it, I would have given up weeks ago, but here they are, ready to wake up the rest of the world to spring. It's a start to all the changes that will be happening over the next couple months. We're saying goodbye to some dear friends this weekend who are taking a transfer back to the States. Sad for us, but a great opportunity for them. Still not sure where our next move will take us this summer...either way, here's to your bright beginnings.

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